
TowerPoint Capital (formerly Communications Capital Group) is a leading institutional investor in cellular site locations across the United States. Our mission is to leverage our significant knowledge base to create long-term value for our landlord and corporate partners.

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The Benefits of Cell Towers

To cell phone network providers, the best way to improve their services is to strategically place as many cell towers as they possibly can. This has led to an entire industry of cellular companies buying or leasing land or buildings to have their towers set up. Just who can benefit from this expansion, and what are the actual benefits that cell towers can offer?

Improved Service

Of course, it only follows that cell service in your area will improve if you have a cell tower enhanced. Nevertheless, the quality of service that will ensue will depend on a variety of potential factors, one of which is location, which is why cell companies offer a much larger payout for prime lots than those of a lesser quality.

Great Investment

From the business or property owner’s standpoint, cell towers could help them earn quite a lot off the lease, making for a significant increase in their income. This is particularly helpful for the maintenance and survival of churches, schools, charitable institutions, and other service-oriented places that don’t necessarily profit from their clients.

Churches, in particular, have seen perhaps the most use for this type of investment, since they are often the tallest structures in small communities. Since most zoning laws typically don’t allow cell towers to be built in residential buildings, a town’s local church is the next best place to set up a nice network connection in the area.


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